Toxic Logic
Content introduction
Toxic logic is everywhere in our lives. How much of what you see and hear every day stands up to scrutiny? Do you often feel that something someone is saying is not quite right, but you can't find a breakthrough to refute it?
If you want to be able to quickly and accurately identify the logical fallacies behind the statements you see every day, this book is the "fallacy dictionary" you need.
This book is a masterpiece of logical fallacies in everyday language. In less than 200 pages, the author catalogues more than 170 linguistic fallacies, including appeals to emotion, suggestion, incorrect reasoning, ambiguity, oversimplification, false comparisons... This book can be used as a self-examination and prevention manual to help you not be easily persuaded by toxic logic, but also to better organize your language and persuade people with reason.
About the author
RobertJ.Gula (1941-1989), a graduate of Colby College and Harvard University, taught logic at the Groton School. During his short life, he wrote or co-authored more than 60 books, the most popular and influential of which was Toxic Logic. This book is a famous representative work in the field of language logic, first published in 1979, and has been revised many times since.